Mushrooms glow in a dark field, emitting particles that float towards a neon brain


Executive Committee

Paul Hutson, PharmD, MS
Director, Transdisciplinary Center for Research in Psychoactive Substances
UW School of Pharmacy

Cody Wenthur, PharmD, PhD
Director, MS in Psychoactive Pharmaceutical Investigation
UW School of Pharmacy

Matthew Banks, PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Randall Brown, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
UW School of Medicine and Public Health

John Dunne, PhD
Chair and Distinguished Professor of Contemplative Humanities, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
UW College of Letters & Science

Megan Miller, RN, PhD
Assistant Professor
UW School of Nursing

Christopher Nicholas, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Charles Raison, MD
Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families
Professor, Human Development & Family Studies
UW School of Human Ecology

Lucas Richert, PhD
Professor, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
Executive Director, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy

Guilio Tononi, MD, PhD
Director, Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Alberto Vargas, PhD
Associate Director and Professor, Latin American Caribbean, and Iberian Studies